Sunday, July 18, 2010

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Jiraiya VS Pain AMV (Full Fight)

There is also a list of exotic characters that are part of the Shinobi (or ninja) universe from Naruto: Orochimaru, Jiraya, Tsunade, Uchiha Sasuke, Pain, Zetsu, etc.. They all contributed or contribute to millions of fans around the world to develop the most crazy theories about the narrative of Naruto.

And Kishimoto does not disappoint! The “death” of Kakashi after fighting Pain, the Akatsuki leader, followed by the “destruction” of Konoha were the two main events in this end of 2008.

The only thing that can overcome these two events is the return of Naruto and the beginning of the fight between the protagonist and main villain shown so far. And it seems it will start yet this year.

But the best for 2009 is: how is gonna be this fight? Is Naruto strong enough to stop Pain? Or Naruto will be captured by the infamous leader of the Akatsuki?

Like hundreds of millions of fans, I am eagerly waiting for those answers!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Naruto vs Pain [Full Fight] Part1 AMV

Nice Video

When Masashi Kishimoto created Naruto (character that gives its name to the manga and anime) probably never imagined that his creation would be one of the most important phenomena of “pop culture” worldwide. From South Korea to Brazil, “Naruto” is one of the most searched terms on Google. Thousands of websites are dedicated to the anime or manga around the world.

And what would be the explanation for this? There are lots of hyperactive characters. Characters that become more and stronger too. Like those characters who are impossible to be corrupted. Perhaps the great secret of Naruto is a mixture of the elements mentioned above with a huge charisma.
Invasion of Pain Arc Part 6: Naruto vs Pain Part 1 Full Fight [720p HD] Having caught word of Pain's attack, the toads at Mount Myƍboku prepared for the counter-attack. Shima, who was at Konoha at the time, was told to prepare [...]

This video are favorite video sines this video started.....